Trettonhelgen Tap

Trettonhelgen Tap 2025 - "? ? ? ? ?"

For English, go to the Facebook event page or send us an email.

Välkomna till Stockholm 4-6 januari för en minifestival med några av landets främsta stepp- och jazzdansare! Workshops, jam, föreläsning, mm. Och en mäktig show!


Showen "? ? ? ? ?" bjuder på rytmisk bonanza med tunggungande dans och svängig livemusik!


Svenska Rytmsektionen är en ideell förening, bli gärna medlem och hjälp till att sprida info och bjuda in folk till evenemanget, tack på förhand! Eventuellt överskott går till arbetet med att främja stepp och få fler barn/unga intresserade.


Alla helgens aktiviteter är i Bagarmossens Folkets Hus, adress: Lillåvägen 44

OBS - Väldigt viktigt att vi är rädda om trägolvet!! Det är inte tillåtet med ytterskor i Stora Salen där alla kvällsevent är, så ta gärna med torra och rena skor att ha inomhus. Och kolla dina steppskor så att inga skruvar är lösa eller sticker ut, tack.

SCHEMA  -  (måndag 6 jan. är helgdag så du är ledig)

LÖRDAG 4 jan.

  • 18.00 - 20.00  check-in öppen
  • 18.30 - 19.45  temaklass: "Polyrhythms & stuff", ANDRÉ FERRARI. Öppen nivå.
  • 20:00              Show - "? ? ? ? ?"   STORA SALEN
  • 21:30              jam & häng hela natten

SÖNDAG 5 jan. - lokalen öppen från kl 10.00 för check-in och drop-in. Eller bara ta en kaffe.


Stora Salen

Spegelsalen, vån. 2

11.00 - 12.15


Vilma Kananen


Gustav Borehed

12.30 - 13.45


Jonas Nermyr


Mikaela Hellsten

14.00 - 15.15


Jonas Nermyr


Vilma Kananen

15.30 - 16.45


Vilma Kananen


Gustav Borehed


  • 19:00 - 20:00   Tap Talk med filmvisning.
  • 20:00 - 21:15   temaklass: "Vernacular Jazz Dance", Mikaela Hellsten. Öppen för alla nivåer.
  • 21:15 →           Open stage, tävlingar, jam och häng hela natten!

MÅNDAG 6 jan. (röd dag) - lokalen öppen från kl 10.30, välkomna på drop-in!


Stora Salen

Spegelsalen, vån. 2

11.00 - 12.15


Mikaela Hellsten


Daniel Larsson

12.30 - 13.45


Gustav Borehed


Daniel Larsson

14.00 - 15.15


Gustav Borehed


Jonas Nermyr

15.30 - 16.45


Daniel Larsson


Jonas Nermyr



  • 1700 kr  (student, frilans kulturarbetare: 1300 kr)   Specialpris för barn & unga t.o.m 18 år: 500 kr

I paketet ingår 4 klasser i vald grupp, 2 temaklasser, show & allt på kvällarna.



  • Lördag kväll - Show + Jam: 250 kr (190 kr)
  • Lördag kväll - Temaklass + Show + Jam: 450 kr (340 kr)
  • Söndag kväll - Allt hela kvällen: 350 kr (260 kr)
  • Enstaka klasser: 275 kr (210 kr)


Drop-in går också jättebra, bara kom förbi, finns platser kvar!

Nybörjare är extra välkomna, kom och prova-på! Vi har en massa låneskor, annars funkar allt med lädersula.

OBS! - Föreningen vill att det ska vara tillgängligt för alla som vill delta. Har du det kanske lite tajt ekonomiskt för tillfället, bara hör av dig så hittar vi nån lösning! Tex behövs ett antal volontärer under helgen.



Jonas started dancing at the age of 8 years old, and it quickly became his main hobby. Lindy hop was the first dance that captured him and it made all his interest focus on African American dance and music. All spare time was spent in the dance studio, practicing to develop his skills, or at home listening to old jazz recordings. The weekends was spent at competitions or performing with swing dance company Basie's Bunch.

In his early twenties Jonas moved to Stockholm to study professionally and since graduating from the Ballet Academy in 2006 he has been working as a freelance dancer, teacher and choreographer.

In 2010 Jonas, together with Larsa Jemt and Andrew Liebmann, founded Stockholm Tap Festival which has grown in to one of the major tap dance events in the world.

What do you most look forward to during GBG Tap Camp?

Two things, doing our show and sharing the live creative space with other performers, and then I look forward to the vibe of the jam at 2.37AM ;)

What inspire you?

Not so inspired at the moment, but music and rhythm always does something. I can put on my shoes and just go in to that, playing around with whatever and finding things, staying with something and just repeating it for a long time.

What are you working on right now?

Work right now is mostly about getting back in to shape I guess. Was injured last year and I still feel that, so rehabbing and going to the gym. Otherwise, a lot of admin/planning for Stockholm Tap Festival 2025, and also project planning with Svenska Rytmsektionen and House of Hoofing.

Favorite memory with Rövgänget?

Any moment spent with that groups of morons is a great memory haha! Like often we just start laughing so much at whatever that we just cry and have to stop whatever it is we are doing.


photo: Tamara Pinco

Daniel has a big passion for lindy hop, jazz dance and jazz music. He has danced and taught a lot over the years, both locally at Chicago Swing Dance Studio and internationally at different events around the world. When it comes to dancing as well as teaching he greatly values personal expression, rhythm, simplicity and respect for the roots of the dance. Sharing his knowledge and love of the dance is something he is passionate about.

Daniel started at young age with swing dancing, and he dances different styles from the swing era such as tap, lindy hop, charleston and vernacular jazz. He is also educated in modern jazz and ballet and has for many years freelanced as both dancer and choreographer in the musical theatre scene.

What do you most look forward to during GBG Tap Camp?

I love to be among other people that are equally passionate about tap as I am. I lived in Gothenburg for several years and I have so many friends there and a lot of great memories. I love Gothenburg.

What inspire you?

Jazz in general give me an endless source if inspiration. Good jazz music that swings. It has to swing in one way or another. I love all kinds of jazz music. As long as it’s good 😊 To jam with other dancers is just a great feeling and give me a lot of inspiration. Also to take class and learn from the contemporary tap masters. People like Josette & Joseph Wiggan, Jason Samuels Smith, Chester Withmore, Dormeshia and many others. I also get a lot of inspiration from many tap masters from the past, dancers like Chuck Green and Gregory Hines.

What are you working on right now?

Tap is so diverse and there are so many ways how to work to get better. Right now I’m working a lot on improvisation. To keep the groove and to keep the time and yet be able to be creative and interesting in present time. This is a project for life!

Favorite memory with Rövgänget?

Not a specific memory, but all those small moments in the dance studio, practicing, laughing and creating together. It’s priceless! It’s a weird process with a special kind of humor and by saying “yes” instead of “no” we somehow get things done.


photo: Johan Borehed

Since 2011 Gustav has been focusing on the expressions and culture of Jazz. With tap dancing as his main expression and craft, he focuses his work on dance as a musical expression and collaborative tool.

An alumni of Jacob's Pillow Tap Program, the Professional Tap Training Program at Escola Luthier in Barcelona and Performing Arts School in Gothenburg.

Gustav has been seen on stages around the world including Sweden, Spain, USA, Japan. In his creative process, the relationship between the story and the participants is his focus.

What do you most look forward to during GBG Tap Camp?

Gothenburg has a habit of bringing creative people together and sharing a space that is wild, fun and free. I look forward to share and learn with everyone there.

What inspire you?

The histories that is carried by the people through generations, through music and dance. I find inspiration by listening to them all. I also find inspiration in the acts and thoughts from the people close to me, my friends and beloved ones.

What are you working on right now?

I am the chair of Svenska Rytmsektionen, of which I’m proud to be. I am part of the cast of ”Skumitate”, a contemporary dance piece by my brother and friend Takuya Fujisawa. I am giving regular classes at Löftadalens Folkhögskola and studio classes at Balettakademien. And I just started studying half-time on university.

Favorite memory with Rövgänget?

Our rehearsals are my favorite place with these people. The cooking that’s happening that we put on the stage is brutally honest and hysterically fun to be apart of! They are some of my favorite people to perform, dance and mostly hang out with.


Vilma is the queen of extremes: she can switch abruptly from weightlessness to big bang and finds poetry where others don’t even look. Her power is amazing.

In her youth she was a competitive figure skater and she has also studied music. Vilma received two years of training at the Professional Tap Dance Program at Escola Luthier in Barcelona, and she is now member and assisting choreographer of Sebastian Weber Dance Company based in Leipzig

What do you most look forward to during GBG Tap Camp?

I look forward to seeing the people of the swedish tap community, sharing what I do and how I do it, and the jam sessions.

What inspire you?

I’m very curious. I can feel inspired by almost anything but I seem to always end up working on things relating to where art and culture meets, overlaps, collides and the power structures of it.  

What are you working on right now?

I’m working as a tap dancer and choreography assistant with Sebastian Weber Dance Company. We just started working on a new piece that will premiere next year. I also work with Svenska Rytmsektionen where I have the pleasure and privilege to explore any aspect of my artistic performance in our shows.

Favorite memory with Rövgänget?

My favourite memory is probably from a few years back when we had rehearsed all afternoon and evening and the rehearsal suddenly turned into a jam session and we tried to play songs from Ted Gärdestad, Eminem and then I think we finished with Highway to Hell. I love how goofy and silly everyone can get. 


Mikaela Hellsten is a dancer, choreographer and teacher in Lindy Hop, African American Vernacular Jazz and tap and has been teaching all over the world for the last ten years.

Mikaela started dancing Lindy Hop at the age of 13 and immediately fell in love. Since then, the love for Lindy Hop, as well as related dances like tap and jazz, has only increased. The more she learns about jazz and its history, the more she finds it to be a lesson for everyday life and now she finds it hard to see a life without Jazz.

Mikaela is part of the dance collective Kalabalindy which is currently on a school tour with the shows 'Luften är fri', 'Dansa mig' and 'Danskrysset',  as well as the show 'Året Runt' which is performed for the elderly.

What do you most look forward to during GBG Tap Camp?

To hang out with all nice people, I allways enjoy Gothemburg!

What inspire you?

Oh so much, I think my friends mostly! Whether in music or dance when they express themselves, push themselves or push for a better surrounding, all of that inspires me!

What are you working on right now?

A lot of things but maybe newest in the mix is that I am studying music and work on my drumming, this is a new adventure for me so I'm excited about that.

Favorite memory with Rövgänget?

Hmm, just those small moments of ridiculousness and joking around. It's a blessing being around people who let you be yourself and also inspire you to push at the same time.